GALLERI arrow-backred-happy-sun-15-2arrow-back flag_da BAKKENS Pjerrot på scenen ved hans lille grønne hus & den store Friluft scene
Mr. Sputnik har hermed fornøjelsen at kunne præsenter dig for verdens ældste klovnefigur Pjerrot. Pjerrot er langt over tusind år gammel. Den 18. juni år 1800 kom han til Dyrehavsbakken lidt nord for København i Klampenborg. Der har han tryllet, spillet Mester Jakel teater, spist ild, læst eventyr, lavet flotte ballondyr og lavet skæg og ballade med både med børnene og de voksne.
Jeg set tre X Pjerrot som har haft SHOW ved det lille grønne hus. Erico Lund, Ib Groth Rasmussen & Kurt Flemming.

GALLERY arrow-backred-happy-sun-15-2arrow-backflag_uk BAKKENS Pierrot on stags with his little green house & the big open air stags
Mr. Sputnik have the pleasure to present you to the world's oldest clown character Pierrot. Pierrot is well over a thousand years old. On 18 June 1800, he came to the Bakken just north of Copenhagen in Klampenborg. There, he conjured, played puppet theater, eating fire, reading adventure, made beautiful balloon and made ​​fun and games with both children and adults.
I have seen three X Pierrot has had SHOW at the little green house. Erico Lund, Ib Groth Rasmussen & Kurt Flemming


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